Dr. Dace Simsone is a doctor-psychiatrist, chairman of the board of Clinic Dzintari, manager of medical work. She also conducts consciousness activation trainings with mindfulness and meditation techniques. As well as for the past 4 years Dr. Simsone has established a collaboration with the University of Latvia where she provides practical trainings for the resident doctors in the clinic.
Dr. Simsone is a professional doctor with many years of experience in psychiatry, treating patients with vegetative dystonia, depression, increased anxiety, crises, burnout syndrome, etc.
In 1994, Dr. Dace Simsone obtained a doctor’s degree and in 1997 she completed her residency in psychiatry at the Latvian Medical Academy.
In 2005, Dr. Simsone has obtained a diploma of the French Association of Hypnosis as a specialist in hypnopsychotherapy, as well as a post-graduate training program in “Psychodynamic Hypnosis”.
She has been working at the clinic since the very beginning – in 1999, when “Klīnika Dzintari” was still under another name. Before that, from 1995 till 1999 Dr. Simsone worked at the State Psychiatric Health Care Center in the crisis and neurosis inpatient unit.
If any of these topics are relevant to you, meet Dr. Dace Simsone for a personal visit in Oslo.