DESCRIPTION: The Andrology Centre is a specially established centre, where special attention is paid to men’s reproductive health. The Centre performs male fertility examinations (ultrasound, Doppler graphs), as well as minimally invasive operations, including surgical treatment of infertility: TESE, PESA, micro TESE, MESA and retubing of semen tubes after vasectomies and vaso-epididymal anastomosis. During a micro TESE operation, the sheath covering the male testicles is opened and gentle resection of the semen tubes is performed in order to obtain spermatozoa. Micro TESE is performed using a state-of-the-art microscope with large magnification, making it possible to see all tissue very clearly, thus making the procedure twice as effective. The risk of complications is reduced, causing as little harm as possible to masculine health. The EGV Clinic has a specific microscope for the performance of such procedures with magnification up to 28 times.
INDICATIONS: Men whose sperm does not contain spermatozoa. Useful for a patient, who has undergone a standard biopsy in which spermatozoa were not found, or in the event that before any spermatozoid search procedure, the doctor suspects that the chances of finding them are negligible.
RESULT: The spermatozoa obtained can subsequently be used to perform artificial insemination and the man can become a father.